Week 4
Make it a Lifestyle


New Skills


Audio Meditations






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In this course, you have learned:

Self MAED Foundations is an introductory mindfulness class that provides mindfulness skills to help you build the habit of using it in your life on a regular basis. This evidence-based practice you learned came from the Koru Mindfulness curriculum, which is a globally recognized brand.


When adding Koru to your resume, please state that it is an evidence-based cirriculum that teaches you mindful meditation skills to help you manage stress and live life more fully. It can help you in management roles, and serving others. 

Class 2 Replay

Play Video

SKILL Eating meditation: With eating meditation, you learn to pay very careful attention to all of the sensations involved in eating, as well as the thoughts and feelings you have when you eat. Eating meditation enhances the pleasure in eating and allows you to consume your food in a more healthy way, listening to the reactions and needs of your body.

    Shannon’s YouTube Eating Meditation – 5 min

MEDITATION Labeling Feelings: This meditation builds on the labeling practice from last week, providing you a skill for managing strong feelings that may arise during meditation. Sometimes identifying the feelings that are underneath persistent or recurring thoughts can be very helpful, keeping you from getting carried too far away from the present moment.

Audio – Labeling Feelings 10-min


  1. Reflecting on your practices over the past few weeks, what continues to bring you to your meditation practice? What seems to get in the way?

  2. Have you been able to use an ordinary, repetitive moment in your day and touch it with mindfulness?

  3. Was there a situation this past week where you were able to notice a situation and instead of your “usual” habitual reaction, you were able to pause and choose a different response?

  4. Was there a situation this week that you noticed a strong feeling or emotion that pulled you out of your present moment experience?

  5. By labeling and/or naming your emotions and thoughts during meditation, have you noticed if it softens the experience?

Feedback Survey

Were you provided adequate information to prepare for the retreat/journey?(Required)
The pre-retreat guide was extremely helpful.(Required)
The workshops prior to the retreat prepared me for the experience (i.e. Numerology and with the Photographer?)(Required)
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