Traveling with an INFANT

Staying sane while traveling with an INFANT

The truth is when I learned I was pregnant, I thought my travel life as I had known it…was coming to an end (I’ll blame the hormones for these irrational thoughts haha). Thank God for my supportive partner who not only encourages me to continue my international travels…but planned our first family trip to LA when Rylee was just 5 months old! Before birthing my daughter I never changed a diaper let alone traveled with a baby…and anytime I entered an airport the only attention I paid small children was in prayers that they weren’t seated behind or beside me on the flight (sad but true). So here we are one year into being parents to a beautiful and happy baby girl. Rylee has been on 5 flights, seen 10 cities, and brings joy to random strangers with hugs and hellos.

Here are the 10 Things I’ve learned while traveling with my 5 mo. old:

  1. FREE: Strollers and cars seats can be checked for FREE on most airlines (if not all). It’s easier to check the stroller (or both if you have a travel system) at the gate so you can be arms free while traveling through the airport.
  2. PREPARE: Be prepared to put the stroller through the security x-ray machines!
  3. SNACKS: Yes….You can pack snacks (chips, popcorn, etc.) and pass through security.
  4. SECURITY: You can take more than the allotted amount of water and or breastmilk through security. They will run it through another machine that I was told has no radiation.
  5. PUMPS: Your pump is considered a medical device and is a free personal item in addition to the one you are allotted on the airline (check airline rules).
  6. NAPS: Always plan your flights around the baby’s naps. This makes for an easy trip. Every time we flew it was around the time Rylee goes down for a nap. I breastfeed so that’s how I was able to comfort her each time.
  7. CRIBS: Most hotels will have a crib or pack ‘n play for your baby, for safe sleeping and FREE of charge!
  8. PUMPING: Pumping in the airlines was not a pleasant experience. The only outlets that allowed privacy was in the family restrooms. However, I did recently find this awesome app that allows you to find breastfeeding locations while traveling Mamava App.
  9. LAP CHILD: Children fly free up to the age of 2.
  10. CAR SEATS: I would strongly suggest to travel with your car seats since checking it is free. TO rent a car seat with a car rental cost anywhere from $10 or more a day!
We check the beds first
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